Top 3 Reasons Your Team Needs to Track Their Time!

Top 3 Reasons Your Team Needs to Track Their Time!

We get it. Nobody likes tracking their time. There’s no way around it. It sucks. But as much as it sucks, there are 3 critical reasons to enforce strict time tracking: 1) Increase performance of an individual team member by $24,912. 2) Avoid the turtle growing to its...

The Top Three Things to Think About Before Your Next Busy Season

The Top Three Things to Think About Before Your Next Busy Season

It’s finally time to take a breath after the craziness of busy season. It’s tempting to kick back and gear back. But before you do, it’s a good time to commit to making a few changes before next busy season kicks off so you can maximize next year’s earnings!  ...

How I Moved From Fear and Panic Into Positive Action

How I Moved From Fear and Panic Into Positive Action

Building Immunity From Social Contagions There are countless times in an entrepreneur’s journey when you can find yourself slipping into fear and panic:   Losing a major client or revenue stream Aged AR skyrocketing and vendor collection calls increasing  Failed...