
A strong/healthy company should be making at least 15% net profit margin.  Simply put, take your revenue and multiply it by 0.15.  If you are a $5,000,000 business, that means you should be making $5,000,000 * 0.15 – $750,000.  Yep, your net profit should be $750k or better.

If you’re NOT hitting 15%, and continuing with the $5mm revenue business example, for every 1% improvement in your net profit margin, you make and additional $50,000 EVERY YEAR.

Now, imaging you plan to sell your business in 5 years, and you get a six times multiple on sale.  That 1% will be worth $50,000 * 6 = $300,000 more value when you sell.

So, that’s a total of $550,000 more money after 5 years:

$50,000 per year * 5 years     = $250,000

$50,000 * 6 on sale of biz        = $300,000

Total extra in your pocket         = $550,000

That’s just 1%!! Imagine if you improved your net profit margin by 5%.  We’re talking well over $2,000,000!!!

It’s time to start using good data to make good decisions to make good money.  Get in touch and see how we can help.

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